
3 Dec, 2008 :: Singapore, 新加坡

「我當初聽到BOOK HOLD(船底書艙)的時候,腦海裡浮現的事一個陰暗的挖礦的隧道,」來自英國的大衛科拉翰說。

"I had this image of a dark mine shaft when I first heard of the book holds," said Dave Callahan (England). In the holds, hundreds of thousands of books are stored and catalogued for re-stocking the book fair. The team has been condensing the stock to create space for the next container. The ship has about 500,000 books in stock! As the team shifts and moves boxes, a physical result of their work can be seen by the end of the day. It often gets hot and stuffy in the holds, but the team’s enthusiasm does not dampen. About the hard work, Dave said, "It’s a lot of alone time, but actually, I enjoy it. We bring order to chaos and I love it!"

1 Dec, 2008 :: Singapore, 新加坡

來自香港的文(Manna Man)說:「能這樣實際的操演,真是太棒了!」
受訓的這些人員進入已經引燃「假的火苗」的引擎室內,並且練習使用消防栓以及其他打火的技術。這個課程幫這這些年輕船員深刻的實際操演他們在幾個月前最初加入「忠僕號」所學的,不過那個時候是紙上談兵。 同時,船上真正的消防第一線的菁英團隊也隨時待命,以免哪位弄假成真警鈴突然大響。


Though Singapore is a small nation geographically, it offered big hospitality while Doulos was in dry dock. Twenty-six crewmembers received fire-fighting training by the Singaporean Civil Defence Academy. Manna Man (Hong Kong) said, "For practical training, it was awesome!" The trainees went into an engine room with a staged fire to practice using the fire hoses and other useful fire-fighting techniques. This course helped crew to build on training which the crew was given when joining Doulos a few months ago. On the ship a fire control team is on standby at all times, ready to jump into action in case a fire alarm goes off. "If there really is a fire, I know what to do.", concluded Manna.



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