
大家好,日本時間十一點鐘,Jack Ku弟兄終於最後一次告別忠僕號,踏上人生新旅途。相較於其他離別的依依不捨,一把鼻涕一把眼淚,他的「告別式」比較屬於青春歡樂、搞笑瀟灑的那一種。


我已經回到現實生活中了, 感覺好像才離開一個禮拜而已, 忠僕號像是不同的空間一樣, 你們都像外星人
跌跌撞撞的離開的忠僕號友好多的事情沒有處理好, 其實覺得最後幾天好像有點想耍賴不走一般硬是提不起精神打理善後, 到處閒晃找人打屁.
總是走了, 現在有點後悔不夠時間給大家寫寫MEMO CARD 居然到機場才趕出一點叫TAEHO 拿給書哥幫我分派, 有漏掉的好朋友就先抱歉了, 沒有見到最後一面的也請保重了, 盼望保持聯絡阿, 尤其是要延期到紐西蘭的, 或是要飛過來的...

Hi beautiful people from the floating land of Doulos,

I am finally back in NZ to “normal” life, and it is actually not easier, to my surprise~
I arrived at the Auckland airport on Thursday morning after 18 hours of traveling, walking pass the last check point, only seconds before enter New Zealand, I was a little nervous to meet the home I left 20 month ago.
I feel I have missed out so much of New Zealand, not just for the time I was away on Doulos, but even for the last 15 years living here, I am determined to explore and to be part of this beautiful place, I also hope my journey has made me a better person, better instrument of God that I may be a blessing to this place.
As I looked around, I found myself in an open area with a quiet small crowd there, going about their own business, there was no excitement to see me, no parades, no red carpet, no statues of Jack, actually, there was absolutely no one looking for me at the airport.
Em… I guess the email I send at the last minute did not arrive in time then… not to worry, I have enough money to take me home, I enjoy a bit of quietness and freedom sneaking in anyway. It was quite funny though. I made a phone call home and confirmed that my family did not receive the mail about my flight details, and then I asked around to find out the cheapest and most comfortable way to get home, I am a big boy now after my adventure, I can take good care of myself and I was quite impressed with the deal I got.

I had a quite afternoon that day, met a few close friends, went to fellowship for working adults at night, heard some updates about what’s going on, and found out some interesting drama that has developed in the last few month, I can’t quite say it is positive at the moment, but it actually does have a lot to do with me, actually (yes Ben, it actually is a good expression, actually) I hope I can help to clear things up a bit, and maybe tell you guys about it later.
So, there you go, I miss the ship, I miss you all, and I hope I stay missing the ship for a long time to come, the field leader of OMNZ said he still has dreams about the Doulos, he was the Captain of Doulos more then 25 years ago.

I will be going away to a farm stay by myself either tomorrow or the next day, a farm with 800 acres of beautiful hills, caves, trees, rivers, and open greeneries for me to sprint through with a horse, or walk the horse with a instructor next to me, I will have to find out about that…I hope I find something magical there.

Do keep me posted.

p.s. don’t forget your prayer letters.

Many blessings~

Jack Ku



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