
World Vision says Asian disasters should be "wake-up call" for global leaders 
02 Oct 2009
路透社報導 (翻譯編輯整理 WVT資深督導MARS HU)

Aid agency says disaster risk reduction funding must be priority As second storm approaches Philippines , World Vision calls on nation's government to pass disaster risk reduction bill Disaster risk reduction helps world's poorest reduce vulnerabilities

 時值第二個颱風接近時, 菲律賓世界展望會表示 減災預算應優先通過”; 世界展望會呼籲政府通過減災法案,減災有助世界上最貧窮的人口降低脆弱性

 Bangkok, October 2, 2009 - World Vision, one of the world's leading emergency response agencies, says the recent series of disasters throughout Asia should be a wake-up call to the global community. The aid agency, an expert in disaster risk reduction (DRR), works with communities all over the world to help reduce their vulnerabilities to disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, and says that DRR funding must be a priority for global governments and donors.

"Disasters are becoming increasingly costly in terms of lives and destruction," said Melisa Bodenhamer, World Vision's expert in DRR. "There must be a paradigm shift in the way that organizations think about development work, but the goal is to be systematic about building up the resiliency of communities before a disaster hits. DRR activities can help reduce the toll on human lives and government budgets. In fact, research has shown that every $1 spent on disaster risk reduction activities saves nearly $ 7 in emergency response funds."

2009102曼谷 - 全球主要的緊急救援機構 - 世界展望會表示,最近亞洲各地發生的一系列災難, 應喚醒全球社會的注意。該機構的專家與社區合作,在世界各地進行減災工作(DRR/ Disaster Risk Reduction),以幫助他們減少災害的脆弱性 - 如地震和海嘯等。 展望會同時表示 減災的預算應被全球各國政府和捐款者列為優先世界展望會減災專家Melisa Bodenhamer表示 災害對人民生活及建設的破壞代價越來越高。 發展機構的思維模式應轉換,其目的是要在災害發生前, 有系統地建立社區的韌力。災害的措施有助降低人命死傷及政府的預算。研究發現,事實上每花一元在減災措施上,可節省近7元的救災成本。“


For DRR to have a significant impact on lives and livelihoods, action needs to be taken at a number of levels. Ongoing success in DRR will involve a mix of structural (including more and better designed infrastructure and housing) and non-structural (such as education and early warning systems) elements.

World Vision advocates for a minimum of 10 percent of development funding set aside for risk reduction activities. Natural disasters have always occurred, and the poor suffer most from them. But DRR activities can - and do -- help communities identify and reduce the vulnerabilities families faced by natural disasters. DRR activities include helping communities develop early warning systems, establish risk mapping techniques and hold trainings to teach communities how to reduce their vulnerabilities and protect themselves in the event of a disaster.

為加強減災對生命和生計的影響的, 應採取以下層面的措施。減災的成功要素包括結構(基礎設施和住房有更多更好的設計)和非結構(如教育和早期預警系統)。世界展望會倡導至少百分之十的發展預算應預留作為減災之用。天然災害一定會發生,窮人是最大的受害者。但減災的措施確實可幫助社區, 發現和降低家庭在面臨天然災害時的脆弱性。典型的減災措施包括幫助社區設立預警系統,建立風險規劃risk mapping技術, 以及培訓社區在災害發生時減少其脆弱性和自我保護的能力。


Right now, a proposed national law on DRR in the Philippines is stalled at the committee level at the Lower House. The DRR Bill would put a priority on disaster risk reduction and management, and it also seeks to institutionalize the disaster risk reduction plans in the federal budget.

"We have been pushing for the passage of this bill for over a decade now," said Minnie Portales, World Vision's advocacy and communications director in the Philippines . "We cannot afford to have another Typhoon Ketsana destroy our property or cause so much suffering to our children and families."

World Vision is the lead agency of the Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DRRNet) in the Philippines . DRRNet is a network of disaster risk reduction advocates and practitioners throughout the country. According to DRRNet, the Philippines ' vulnerability to disasters has increased immensely throughout the years, resulting in the loss of lives, livelihood, and property.

目前菲律賓的減災法案仍在一級在眾議院延宕。 減災法案及條例將減少災害風險和管理列為優先,且力求制度化將減災計劃列入聯邦預算中。 菲律賓展望會倡導及傳播處長Minnie Portales 表示“十多年來我們一直在推動這項法案獲得通過”,“我們不能讓凱莎娜颱風的災情再次發生, 破壞我們的財產和造成兒童及家庭的痛苦。”展望會是減少災害風險網絡(DRRNet)在菲律賓的主席。 DRRNet是菲國各地減災的倡導和實踐者的網絡。根據DRRNet表示,近年來菲律賓災難的脆弱性顯著增加,造成生命、生計和財產的損失。


This call to action comes as a second massive storm bears down on the island nation. Ensuring sustained political commitment to DRR is critical, not only to reduce losses in a more disaster prone world, but also to prevent natural disasters unwinding progress already made in reducing poverty and suffering.

World Vision has been working with the world's poorest people for more than 50 years to ease the impact of disasters when they occur and implement strategies to reduce the effect of future disaster events. World Vision uses its past experience to help the most vulnerable, particularly children, recover from natural disasters and increase their resilience to future climate induced setbacks. The agency's long history of DRR work means that it is well-placed to help communities particularly vulnerable to natural disasters.

此項呼籲行動之際,正值二次颱風襲擊菲律賓。確保政府對減災的政治承諾至關重要,不僅為了日易致災的世界減少損失,且要防止天災破壞現有除貧工作的進展。世界展望會50多年來一直與世界上最貧窮的人同工,以降低災害發對他們的影響, 並擬定及實施策略,以減輕未來災害的災情。世界展望會利用其過去的經驗,以幫助最弱勢的群體,尤其是兒童,從自然災害中恢復, 並提高其適應未來氣候變化的韌力。該機構歷史悠久的減災經驗,使其有充分能力幫助特別易致災的社區。


Charlotte: I pray You'll be our eyes 我祈禱,您能成為我的眼
And watch us where we go 看顧我們的去處
And help us to be wise 並且幫助我們成為賢明的人
In times when we don't know 在我們感到迷惘的時候
Let this be our prayer 讓這成為我們的禱告
As we go our way 在這條路上
Lead us to a place 帶領我們到一個地方
Guide us with your grace 用您的仁慈領導我們
To a place where we'll be safe 到一個讓我們能夠安全的地方

Josh: La luce che to dai 您所給我們的啟發
Charlotte: I pray we'll find Your light 我祈禱我們能夠獲得您的啟發

Josh: Nel cuore resteró 將會停留在我們的心中
Charlotte: And hold it in our hearts 及保持在我們的心中

Josh: A ricordarchi che 提醒著我們
Charlotte: When stars go out each night 在星星黯淡的夜晚

Josh: L'eterna stella sei Nella mia preghiera 在我的禱告中 您是永遠閃亮的星
Charlotte: Let this be our prayer 讓這成為我們的禱告

Josh: Quanta fede c'è 有這麼多的信任
Charlotte: When shadows fill our day 當陰影整天籠照著我們

Josh: Lead us to a place引導我們到一個地方
Charlotte: Guide us with Your grace 用您的仁慈領導著我們

Both: Give us faith so we'll be safe 賜我們信心,使我們安全

Sognamo un mondo senza più violenza 我們期待著一個沒有暴力的世界
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza 一個有正義及希望的世界
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino 握著你的鄰居的手
Simbolo di pace e di fraternità 象徵著和平及友愛

Josh: La forza che ci dai 您所給我們的力量
Charlotte: We ask that life be kind 我們期望生活是平順的

Josh: E'il desiderio che 願望...
Charlotte: And watch us from above 您會在天上注視著我們

Josh: Ognuno trovi amore 是希望...
Charlotte: We hope each soul will find 我們希望每個靈魂都能找到

Josh: Intorno e dentro a sé 每個人都能在心中或周圍找到愛
Charlotte: Another soul to love 另一個靈魂去愛

Both: Let this be our prayer 讓這成為我們的禱告
Charlotte: Let this be our prayer 讓這成為我們的禱告

Josh: Just like every child 就像每個孩子一樣
Charlotte: Just like every child 就像每個孩子一樣

Both: Needs to find a place 需要去尋找一個地方
Guide us with your grace 用您的仁慈引導我們
Give us faith so we'll be safe 賜我們信心,叫我們平安

Both: E la fede che 這信仰...
Hai acceso in noi 您照亮了我們
Sento che ci salverà 我知道這信仰能拯救我們

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