last time DOULOS here in Singapore was dry dock back in 08. The old lady is still here now once again. However, I am not here for the reunion (even I want to). As many of you may know, I am flying over to Zurich (Swizterland) for a meeting over the weekend.
Wow! Swiss chacolate and knives and the mt. view you may said (like quite a fe wof my colleagues). However, this trip is pure biz. Programme officers and some leaders of food programmes from various supporting offices of Worldvision are coming together to finalise the booking policy in partnership for WFP. (Well, if you don't know what that is, Just check the website ) I will be arriving Zurich at 7:20AM and check in hotel around 830 and meetings start till the end of the week,..and I am on my way home. How exciting that is!
Anyways, I will surely try to steal some moments to take a look of the city (or even some other parts of the country?)
My transit flight to Zurich will only take place at 1AM. I still have more than an hour to kill. And the laptop chargere doesn't seem to work because the stange plug. So here I am stand in front of the public computer and put English words together.
ciao then.